河南南阳人,同为中国美术家协会会员,中国雕塑学会会员,中国工艺美术学会雕塑专业委员会会员。毕业于河南南阳理工学院艺术系,先后在中央美术学院学习。现工作生活于北京 。
【抗日战争胜利55周年美术作品展】《支前》获“三等奖”, 全国政协礼堂,北京
文/ 钞氏兄弟
每次熄完炉火,等待开炉的前夜,我都会陷入夜不能眠、焦躁不安的状态中。可是作品开窑后往往会出现崩塌和烧焦的状况,这总会使我的情绪极度的沮丧和失望!但有时候又会从一堆破损的陶瓷碎片里发现一些被烧制成精美绝伦、神秘的东西。正是陶瓷材料的这种神秘感和强烈的挑战性深深地吸引着我们,并为之深陷其中,不能自拔… …
我常会为一件刚出炉的烧制得比较完美的作品,欣喜若狂、半疯半颠、如醉如痴,这时甚至感觉它身上的瑕疵都变成了漂亮的装饰品。太神奇、太温润了。我常会驻足在它面前,看着那一阵阵缓缓上升的热气在空气中消散而去,心中总会涌动出一股股暖流。一次次、一遍遍地亲吻和抚摩着它,生怕一不留神它就会从我的面前消失。那是一种甜酸的、喜悦的痛感。是快感、是惬意、是意犹未尽,又是爱不释手。太神奇了!这是大自然造物主的恩赐,这是九曲回肠,百炼成丹,上帝的杰作… …
The hand of god
We lay awake all night and felt restless on the eave of blow-on night after putting out the firelight. However, the dilapidated and scorch situation always happened to these works after the kilning, which made us depressed and disappointed. But sometimes we found some excellent and mysterious works among a pile of ceramic fragments. It was the mystery and challenge of ceramic material that deeply attracted us and made us unable to get away from them.
I was usually mad with joy and became half out of my mind for the new fired work, sometimes I was even crazy, and it seemed all the blemish turned into its adornments. It was so amazing, warm and humid. I often stood in front of them and saw the rising hot-gas disappeared, and then there would be a stream of warm current from my heart. I kissed and touched them again and again, for which I was thinking they would disappear from my sight. It was a kind of sweet and joyful pain, pleasant sensation, satisfaction, and enthusiasm. It was so miraculous. This was the favor of natural demiurge and masterpiece of sad and depressed feeling, and it was the tempered classic of the god.
文/ 钞氏兄弟
“记忆承载观念”这也是我们兄弟多年来呕心沥血“炼造”出来的“成果”。不刻意去粉饰华丽的外衣,做一个虔诚的艺术殉道者,默默的,也用最朴素、最诚恳、最真实的语言来表达我们对自己作品的诠释… …
The Red Machine
“The Eastern Red”is also named as “The Red Machine”, which is a focus of both of our brothers in recent years. “The Eastern Red” is also a synonym of “Red China”. Since the communist party took power, “The Eastern Red” has become a special sign in Chinese history. The tractor with the brand of “The Eastern Red” served as a typical representative of the industrial development in that time, whose birth was a declaration of the mechanization of Chinese agriculture, and which the old generation of pioneers placed hopes on. The old trains and the liberation cars both carried the dreams of constructers in that time and the hope of national resurgence.
From the early “The Eastern Red Series”(including tractors, Hongqi cars, Liberation cars, steam engines and so on.) to social phenomena in contemporary China, the works of both of us cohere along a red road, with which we hope we can awaken more Chinese to the passing memory.
China has a five-thousand-year history of civilization; however, china has experienced too many disasters and shouldered too many burdens in modern history. Those who devoted their youth and energy to our country in that time have withdrawn from the historical stage, so have those “working horses” which are the witnesses of the history, but now abandoned in the corner, rusted.
The old trains and the liberation cars as transport vehicles shouldered too many missions in that time when emotion replaced reason, when there was a sea of red everywhere, when people seemed ridiculous in the eyes of people today. The formidable Red Guards and literate youngsters were taking these transportations to realize their amazing dreams in different areas in China. These “working horses” witnessed numerous scenes of blood and fire, love and hate, horror and conflicts, and departures. Now they stay silently in corners forgotten by people; however, they still radiate a glow of light through dust all over their bodies.
Elements of the nature of clay have been combined into our work because years of exploration and research of the nature of clay and language of works by both of us. We are trying to present our works in the most real and natural way both in the subtle and broad expression. It is the fruit of our two brothers through many years of hard work that memory carries concept. We would rather use the most plain, genuine and real words to explain our works with an attitude of a pious martyr to arts, than pursue magnificent appearances.
BeiJing SuoJiaCun Chao's brothers studio